Where to begin? It was a dark and stormy night...  (Snoopy).  No. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...  ...

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

The Thin Blue Ride - Part 1 - Day 12

Yosemite, CA to Elk Grove, CA: 151 Miles (RV)

Ride Report: None - which is unfortunate,  I had wanted to ride the road beside the river which would have been handy since it runs right past the RV Park.   But yesterday afternoon's rain put the kibosh on that.  But that's life.  So, on with today's report...

When we left the Park, we headed West on 140.  Its worth mentioning that the State (or the Park?  Who knows.) is working on 140 and as a result had to close down the road on "our" side of the river.  This, of course, necessitated moving all traffic to the other side.  To do so, they installed two temporary bridges...

Ingenious.  And also the reason that traffic on 140 into the park was restricted to vehicles under 45 feet.  A wise move regardless, if you ask me.

While Susan was driving on the way to Elk Grove, I decided to pull up Google Maps for kicks just to see where we were.  This screen shot gives the reader the same view I got at the time.  It made me giddy.  Why?  Because - I'm NOT AT WORK!  I know I've said that once before and and henceforth will try and restrain myself in deference to those still slaving away for the man.

Oh yes - and then there was this.  We stopped for lunch at a truck stop (Susan never tires of their food) and she decided to work the line on the teamsters side of the fueling stations there.  I think she was wanting to check and see if any of her buddies happened to be there.  I knew nothing good would come of this...

And sure enough, a few minutes later she came back all a twitter over one of her buddy's rigs.  This is it in the background.  The literate reader will note the name of the rig on the side of the sleeper.  That's right, the "Hillbilly Mansion".  She told me she had talked to Bubba who had agreed to trade for our Rig straight up.  While it is a good looking "mansion", I refused.  She's just gonna have to get it the old fashioned Teamster way - win it in a poker game.

After that it was back in The Rig and on the road again.  We reached Elk Grove (and the house of Susan's brother Les and his wife Irene) in good order and are invited to spend the night there.  This is good news because we get to visit them and because they have a REAL shower.

We had enough time to run an errand to (where else) Wally World for some necessities and then Les and Irene took Susan and I on a brief tour to the countryside near their house.  I viewed it as a scouting mission for (hopefully) a ride before we hit the road tomorrow morning.  Time will tell...  I'll post some pics tomorrow.

And finally, Irene has been threatening to send Susan a pic she says I have to use in the blog.  Its apparently from Wally World.  It's not here as I complete this blog, but Susan says I have to give Irene time to send it before posting the blog.  Irene???  (Added later) Apparently, to my good fortune, she has forgotten to do so.  Dodged a bullet there.

OK then - I think that's more than enough for today.  Hillbilly Mansion - Good Lord.

Till next time...


  1. I've seen the Hillybilly Condo also. A "condo sleeper" in the vernacular.

    1. That’s what I need. Susan throwing around more trucking vernacular. Who knew she had it in her?
