Well, the wind finally calmed down. Waves on the lake this morning were what you might see on a typical pond - maybe 6 inches. A far cry from what we had been seeing lately. Two dudes with surf boards showed up this morning and were disappointed. After I ran them off, we were wheels up at 0830 and made it to USI RV Park in Wichita at about 1330. No - I’ve no idea what USI stands for. The park itself is filled with many full-timers and most all of the units are in good shape. Not much in the way of grass, since the entire park is one giant rock parking lot. But that’s fine with us as we’re only here overnight anyway. Added bonus - they sell propane right at the front gate, so we topped off the tank when we arrived. It wasn’t terribly low, but we did go thru a little keeping warm in Texas. Whodathunk? Good to have it done so we don’t have to worry about it before leaving on The Thin Blue Ride.
BTW, not to toot my own horn, but today is my birthday. 59, if you must be so rude as to ask. To celebrate the event Susan is taking me to dinner at the restaurant of my choice tonight. The pickings should be good in Wichita. I’m thinking...Italian. We’ll see. Then maybe to some place fancy like the local Dillons grocery store to see if they sell chocolate cake by the (gigantic) slice. Dare I hope?
Oh - a first for the blog today. One of my loyal readers (OK - she at least read one post. Sigh - OK its my sister Deanna) sent me a couple of pics suitable for publication. You’ll have to check em out below. All I’ll say here is that Delta has cause for concern. Reminder to self: Don’t have Susan read me the message and show me the pic while driving.
So, on with today’s pics...
There were an incredible number of tractor trailers (Susan says that's what the Teamsters call em) on the road today. May God strike me with lightening if what I'm about to say isn't true, but there seemed to be more of them on the stretch that Susan drove. They were driving by waving and smiling. I finally made Susan roll up the window so they couldn't talk shop while rolling down the Interstate. It was unseemly.
Today the rig hit me up for a selfie!!! Good Lord, between her and the two bikes I've about had my fill. When she asked for the phone a second time I told her "No" and to pay attention to her driving. She sulked for half an hour. Blessed silence...
It didn't help her mood any when I took this just a few minutes later. Note how Teamsters concentrate when they drive...
Dinner tonight at Carrabas in Wichita, They tried to force me to order (or carry out) a free dessert, but I said no. We had plans to find chocolate cake at Dillons. Unfortunately, there were none. So - Wally World to the rescue. It's sitting there on the counter right now just daring me to eat it. I may succumb.
See. I told ya so...

Bonus internet points to the first reader who figures out what the M&Ms on top signify. Susan put em there. Those of you from my former employer (RCPD) know how much I love Peanut M&Ms. I married the right woman.
Now the reader pics. They came with this message:
"Mercury wanted me to send you these pictures in the Kansas bluebonnets. Delta is his new idol. He now aspires to follow in his pedal strokes."
My god. I'll never hear the end of this.
Till next time.
Well those M&M's are your age. Enjoy the cake Happy Birthday!!! Deanna