Since I didn’t get to ride yesterday we checked the forecast (which showed rain only at mid morning for an hour and at that only a 51% chance of .05 inches) and thus concluded that we would take a couple of tours of the local area on the Burgman, after which I would go for a ride. We got to do almost none of this because it began raining before sunrise and continued through the afternoon. It wasn’t until 5:00 pm that it had stopped and gotten dry enough to venture out on the scooter. So we took a short jaunt along a couple of roads North of Fredericksburg that I had ridden previously. I wanted Susan to see them as they were particularly scenic and there were some excellent wildflower blooms there. So, it was cloudy and cool, but we eventually got about half of our “touring” done today. Thanks “Accu”weather, for making our day so easy to plan what with your timely forecasts...
So most of the day was spent in the RV. We slept (very) late, read, watched a movie, I blew my nose roughly 1.5 billion times (I think its allergies - I have occasional bouts in the spring), we checked the forecast about a billion times... You get the picture. But we had to actually get away from the RV today for at least a bit. Our supply situation was becoming critical. I ran out of Diet Pepsi... Then milk...
Finally the weather broke at about 5. From this we concluded that we could get in the Burgman tour I mentioned previously and then stop at Wally World on the way back to the RV. It all worked out and I think Susan really enjoyed the scenery. Plus, there are now 24 unopened cans of DP in the rig.
So - right now the plan for tomorrow is to go to Medina on the Burgman in the morning. There is apparently a restaurant there with something approaching the world’s best apple pie and we’re determined to get our share before its all gone. We’ll do lunch there as well then head back and I’ll do the Luckenbach Loop from the Hill Country Tour map and that’ll make it a day. We’ll see if “Accu”weather is right about tomorrow. Right now they’re saying it should be sunny and pleasantly warm.
On to today’s pics...
This is bonus footage from my ride along the Guadalupe River two days ago. You can hear the birds and the hum of my tires on the pavement. It was great fun. (Note to my son Keith - I'll save you a text. Mom has already lectured me about how she doesn't like it when I shoot these while riding and I know you feel the same way. I apologize, but there's nothing I can do about that...)
This was what we woke up to...
By the afternoon I had to go for a walk. It rained on me. Though I did take note of this set-up. They've got it all, a white picket fence, rose bushes and a golf cart to save all that tedious walking.
This rig takes a different approach, but Holy Cow - these people are making it tough to keep up with the Joneses. While I'm not positive, I'd be surprised if this rig went for under 450k. I think Susan could drive one of these...
Our dinner destination for the evening. It met our two criteria, it was open and served BBQ.
It was pretty cool inside. We had apparently just missed music by the "Any Given Sunday" band. Oh - and the floors were finished in beer.
Us soaking up all that Texas atmosphere.
Dinner. Ribs w mac n cheese for me. Pulled pork w cheesy taters and cole slaw for Susan.
We found this cool old building and upon further investigation learned that it was the original county courthouse.
Oh yes. While on our evening tour the Burgman wanted a selfie. Good Lord, I think he spent too much time on the trailer with the Sequoia on the way down here. They don't know I have a rear view camera. I could see them talking back there. But I can deal with this budding relationship. All I have to do is mention to the Sequoia and Delta that the Burgman doesn't see what the big deal is with hills. That should do it.
Till next time.
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