Tuesday, October 8th, 2019
I believe it may provide the reader valuable insight into my cognitive processes were I to publish a sampling of random thoughts for your perusal. Scary, I know. But - silent waters run deep, and these thoughts have never been voiced - yet. So suck it up and give 'em a read - you just might learn something. One never knows from whence wisdom may flow. Enjoy...
1. When you live in a space where the living room and kitchen lights have side by side switches, and the lights are only six feet apart, it is necessary that you like the person sharing that space with you.
2. I'm tired of my legs aching every night.
3. You really can survive with only six forks and six spoons.
4. Kentucky dogs suck. And its corollary, I hate Kentucky dogs.
5. Your house shouldn't wobble when your bride rolls over in bed at night.
6. Oreos and Hostess Cupcakes are the biblical manna and will be had for every meal in Heaven.
7. Angels don't get fat.
8. 75% of one’s time crossing the country is spent climbing, the other 25% of one’s time is fun.
9. Everyone will be riding bicycles in either Heaven or Hell, but not both. I'll leave to the theologians the argument over which.
10. Planning is important - if one rides the Trans/Am one should either be a natural planner or take one along - I chose the later.
11. Best overheard conversation of the trip, “Be sure to lock the door and feed the parrot.”
12. Appreciate random acts of kindness when they happen.
13. Ignore random acts of stupid when they happen.
14. Bumpass is a great name for a town.
15. The entire country is made of hills and their larger variant, mountains - except for Kansas.
16. As a general rule, don’t believe Verizon’s claim that they have nationwide cell coverage.
17. As a general rule, don’t believe Verizon.
18. Never again in my lifetime will I be able to eat as much and as often as I did this summer.
19. I’ve heard Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ on a prayer” so many times that I actually once hallucinated while climbing and thought I was Bon Jovi.
20. The day I touched Delta’s front tire against the Victory Column in Yorktown, it was all worth the struggle.
21. Staying in one place for more than a day is thoroughly enjoyable.
22. All RV Parks are located next to one of the following: train tracks, airports, or interstate highways.
23. When you encounter road kill opossum in a car, you have just enough time to determine that it may have been an opossum. On a bike, you experience all the subtle nuances of the dead opossum.
24. It should be illegal to put a spoiler on the back of a Volkswagen Beetle - even a new one.
25. One accumulates wisdom in many ways. If time spent lost in thought is among them, bicycles make one wiser.
26. Bonus random thought: Wisdom and riding a bicycle across the country are mutually exclusive.
Brad, outstanding thoughts from an adventure of a lifetime. Tom
ReplyDeleteTom - thanks for reading. It was good meeting you way back at (near) the start.
From the TTBR Research Department:
ReplyDeleteFirst, I am shocked and amazed that your random thoughts did not include a stab at Accuweather.
Second, #24. Being a big fan of Volkswagens, there is a very good reason you would want to put a spoiler on an ACVW (not necessarily the new ones). It has been discovered that their beetle shape is not necessarily all that stable at higher speeds. They (whoever that may be) have found that a small disrupter of the airflow over the back helps stabilize the poor bug. It may (or may not) interest you that there are whole Bonneville Salt Flats Land Speed Record classes devoted to VWs with 36 horsepower based engines (late 50s to early 60s). All of them need to run some type of spoiler to enhance stability. Now this does not stop the wannabe racer to put a big honkin' wing on their rather pedestrian VW.
The author wishes to thank TTBRs California Branch of the Research Department for his work. I remember helping you push start your VW - it had no spoiler. But the author appreciates your assistance in making his point. (BTW - Bonneville - I had no idea.)