I'll get to the pictures later. First this breaking news story...
Supplemental ride report. HOLY CRAP! Somewhere North of Utopia on 187 and before the intersection with TX 39 there lurks a monster. It’s ugly, possessed of a soul of the darkest night and laughs at entreaties to the good Lord to make it go away. I suspected it was there because the small river I was following was increasingly headed toward the hills with no apparent way out - and it was getting smaller as I pedaled against the flow. Sure enough, I came around a corner and it hove into view - I just hung my head and laughed. It measured out at about a mile of constant 10-11%. There was a light drizzle and when I looked, I couldn’t see the top. I consoled myself with the thought that eventually even Job’s miseries ended and calmed my rebelling legs with the thought that the reason I couldn’t see the top was because God himself had seen my abject misery and reached down to snatch the top of the hill off. Such was not the case. I know because I asked the two guys who were repelling down the opposite lanes as I pedaled up. They said the top was up there “somewhere”. God apparently never rode a bike. We now have something to discuss when we eventually meet.
The saving grace to the day was the Guadalupe River. Once Delta and I hit the intersection of 187/39 the river was only a few miles away and we followed it (downhill) for 20ish miles all the way into Hunt, Tx. It was really a beautiful ride. The river was clear, flowing vigorously, and there were any number of nice homes to look at along the way. There were also the obligatory "Private Property - No Trespassing" signs. Hmmm... Maybe God has ridden a bike to make today’s ride end like this. But its a good thing Jesus came to the middle east - he couldn't have been baptized in a river in Texas.
When we reached town there was a Methodist Church with a (for Hunt) big parking lot right on the edge of town. Susan had spotted it on Google Maps. She was waiting for me. We managed to talk to the guy who is in charge of the sound system. He texted the Minister who confirmed that we were welcome to stay. We’ve a nice breeze, a field of Bluebonnets out front and abundant sunshine - the clouds broke late in the afternoon.
And lest I forget, one of my erstwhile readers (OK - its my brother-in-law Curtis, widely renowned as the family genius. I'm pretty sure he was born speaking Latin.) tells me that the plant Delta inquired about a couple of days ago is an agave. All I know is that they’re the (very) big brother of yuccas.
This is what mile a of 10/11% does to ya. The drizzle is apparent on my helmet and glasses. Thank God for low temps and drizzle. I can't imagine climbing that monster in 100+ degree sunshine - which I'm sure they get around here.
Just another gorgeous river shot. There were no trespassing signs (again). I just didn't include them. They offend my egalitarian sensibilities.
Me - ruining a gorgeous river shot.
Delta! Get out of the water. Signs, signs. everywhere there's signs. Do this, don't do that, can't you read the signs?
Texans are apparently serious about low water crossings - of which there are a ton. And prolly for good reason. I bet I see news stories at least a couple of times a year about people getting swept away in their cars down here.
Sometimes there's no getting around it - its just all about Delta...
Susan caught this pic of me coming into town as I passed the sign for the Methodist church. Yes, I married a planner.
This one and the next are our home for the night.

And finally, today's Thin Blue Ride quiz. What is this? We found it just outside the local grocery store/gas station/restaurant/bank. You have to be under 25 to participate.
Till next time.
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