Where to begin? It was a dark and stormy night...  (Snoopy).  No. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...  ...

Sunday, March 24, 2019


Ride report: None - this was planned as a travel day.

Today started bright and early from the parking lot of Tio’s.  The night went pretty well, although there was this one truck.  You know the kind: diesel, exhaust pipe bigger than the cylinder bore, small skinny driver - it roared past at 0-un-godly-thirty in the morning causing Susan to mumble something like, “Grow up and go home.”  But all in all a decent night’s sleep.  Good thing because today was planned for a little over 350 miles - we were wheels-up at 0900.

We made it to Oklahoma City in good time, though I must digress here and talk a bit about Oklahoma’s contribution to the interstate highway system.  By all appearances they recruit fired county road employees to chip and seal most of it.  There were some decent stretches, but by and large, not so good.  There was a particularly scenic part of the state that Susan and I both enjoyed.  Big hills, excellent vistas.  The state of Oklahoma thought enough of the view to install a “scenic view” sign alerting passing motorists to the majestic scene.  I was particularly enamored of the wind turbine generators scattered all about the top of the largest hill where the “scenic view” pull-out was located. I’ll say no more...

Oklahoma City - they don’t build em that tall in Manhattan!  Oklahomans can be proud.

Apparently they’re also quite proud of their ham sandwiches. We musta seen half a dozen of these.  They had a dreary effect on the surrounding countryside tho.  Note the drab colors.

Oh - and Oklahoma also had a lot of these...

It took some doing since Susan was driving, but I managed to keep her on I-35.  I was afraid she’d burn out the bearing on a slot machine and then we’d have to pay for it.

And before long, as if transported on a magical carpet ride, we were in Texas. I’m not gonna say a lot.  I’m just gonna show ya the first three pics I took as we entered the state...

Ya can't make this stuff up. This was in the first two or three minutes of entering the state. I'm thinking maybe someone at the Texas Chamber of Commerce had ought to ask around a bit and see what they can do to improve Texas' first impression. Thankfully, we weren't 534 and 535...

We made it to our spot in the RV park at about 1700 and set up for the night.

Oh - for technical reasons I may fall behind in my blogs.  It seems that Blogger doesn't really like my i-Pad much and Susan's computer (due for replacement about two years ago isn't going to be available for the next few days.  Some computer issue related to Susan leaving the charging cable at home.  We're trying to find another, but the computer is old enough to make doing so difficult...

This also means that there may be more errors in this post than usual as I don't have much time before the battery dies, hence little in the way of editing.

Till next time.

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