Sunday, September 29th, 2019
Today was the coldest of the days we’ve spent here on Grand Isle. Which was no problem for us as we hadn’t intended to make this a “tourist” stop anyway. Recall that our time here was planned as “recovery” time. And it has been that. Susan and I just came in from outside (about 30 feet from the door of The Rig) where we sat and watched the water. We both thought that the time here, while no doubt less interesting from the reader’s perspective, was just what the doctor ordered.
There were a few chores to take care of today, among them, dump the tanks and stow all the requisite gear, load the scooter, put away things that tend to fall or roll about when The Rig is in motion, cook some stuff for the road so we don’t have to do so after pulling in from a long day, eat no bake cookies at my leisure (I made ‘em yesterday) - that sort of stuff. And as an added bonus, Susan made a point of sitting down and doing her first sort thru Kelsy and Parker’s wedding pics. (Yes Kelsy, you can anticipate a consultation in the near future.). Since we don’t like ending travel days late and since The Rig is a slow mover, we’ll likely get up a little earlier tomorrow than has been the case lately so we can get rolling. But you can see all that tomorrow. There was still today...
Another great shot - this time from the "Patio" of The Rig. The reader should note the idyllic setting: how the lake is framed by the trees, the small sailboat just to the right of the trees, the green grass balancing out the blue waters of Lake Champlain. This is what I see when I walk out the front door.
Water and mountains - all in one shot. We hear the lake is kinda low right now. That works out fine for us since it means there's s rocky beach along which to walk while enjoying the view and the sound of the waves.
This is what enjoying looks like.
This guy didn't act too happy that he had to share the beach with us. He was a little edgy and eventually hopped into the water to head out onto the lake. Seagulls are basically obnoxious corks with feathers. But after we wandered past, he was right back. Apparently he's staked his claim to this section of the shoreline.
This is where The Rig has spent the last several days. I took this pic this morning after we'd already loaded the scooter. We hadn't any plans to get out today, so we decided to take care of that early. This campground is that rare combination of rustic and nice. It's run by a nice couple - she from England and he from France.
A ferry as seen from the seating area right below The Rig.
Like I told ya in yesterday's post, two ferries = a race. I gotta apologize for all the ferry pics. They're just plain fun to watch.
We decided to go down to the beach and enjoy the sunset one last time while here at Lake Champlain. While it was obscured by clouds, I kinda think they add to the overall ambiance of the shot: mottled sunlight breaking thru clouds as they drift over the mountains in the distance, a vast expanse of water with waves gently lapping at the rocky shore, the small pool intruding into the bedrock which comprises much of the beach. Ya don't get pics like this just anywhere - only here at Lake Champlain.

Hmmmmm... I feel like something is missing from this shot...

Hmmmmm... I feel like something is missing from this shot...
Till next time.
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