Ride Report: None - we’re back on the road to Bazine to resume The Thin Blue Ride.
Yes readers, you certainly are getting an early treat today. As fate would have it we got everything done (we think) in time to return to Bazine this afternoon rather than tomorrow morning. This will get me one day of riding back, since if we'd left tomorrow morning, there likely wouldn't have been time to also ride 60+ miles that same day. So - as it stands now, it looks like we'll be hitting the road in The Rig this afternoon, and I'll hit the road with Delta in the morning.
But this all avoids the question at the forefront of the reader's mind. Specifically, "Where the heck is Bazine, KS?" Well - we here at The Thin Blue Ride aim to please. Knowing this question would come up, I had the cartography department work something up for ya.
There ya go - Bazine is the red dot. Looks like 197 miles and about 3:05 to get there, using a typical automobile and driving at about the speed limit. Add a half hour or so for The Rig.
BTW - since most of you haven't been to the Schoen Spread for a while (if ever), here's how things are shaping up this summer. Looks better than when I'm here working on it. Gonna have to let the crew handling the work detail know to back things off a bit, otherwise Susan will figure it out and come to expect this. And yes - that red thing in the garage is...
...my baby. She needed some love when we got back since she hadn't been starting for a couple of weeks according to the crew handling interior inspections for us. So, yesterday she was off to the local repair shop for a check-up. Turns out the starter solenoid had gone bad. At least the flapper thingy was still fine. The shop likes having her out since repairs are so straightforward and easy to diagnose. Plus, they're car guys. I had two people talk to me today and tell me they liked her. In the past I've come out of stores to find notes on the windshield offering to buy her - some with a price quoted and a phone number. BTW - she gets roughly the same gas mileage as The Rig. No kiddin. But they're really fun miles.
And what with us headed out on the road again, it means that some of the conveniences of home will once again go by the wayside for a time.
For example, I'll be trading this...
...for this. Until we bought The Rig, I never needed a choreographer to shower. I mean, it's not like I have the guy on retainer or anything, but I did need one to work out my routine in order to be able to wash everything and then dry off. It's quite the intricate little, not for public consumption, dance. Listen, If you've never showered in an RV for over two months, ya can't really appreciate an actual shower with a hot water tank that holds more than 6 gallons.
Till next time.
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