Where to begin? It was a dark and stormy night...  (Snoopy).  No. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...  ...

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Thin Blue Ride - Part 2 Day 29 - Grand Teton Nat’l Park (Rest Day)

Monday, July 8th, 2019

Ride Report: None: Yet Another Rest Day.

Yes, yes, yes - another rest day.  Gimme a break.  When we planned the trip we always intended for these extra “Rest Days” because, well, one never knows if/when one will be able to return.  So we wanted to enjoy Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons as best we could.  And enjoy we did.  The Tetons, however, are different than Yellowstone - as I believe I mentioned yesterday.

We started the day out by heading up to Signal Mountain lookout.  The views were amazing and I felt like I could see forever.  Check out the pics below...

This is a pano from Signal Mountain lookout.  The entire valley seemed to open up below us.

This is a shot that shows pretty much the right half of the pano.  The interesting geological feature here is the pond to the left of the pic.  Glaciers carved this valley out and when they retreated huge chunks fell off the glaciers to rest on the newly deposited detritus which glaciers leave behind.  The melting chunk of glacier formed a depression in the detritus and a pond resulted.  I had no idea.

OK - time for a "family of tourists" shot - with the Tetons on the background.  From left to right; Brad, KnK, Susan.  

Sometimes ya don't need to say much to convey a lot...

Proud Mom n Dad with KnK in near background and Tetons in far background.

And one last view from Signal Mountain...

This one was taken from, of all places, the visitor's center next to the marina.  I edited out a bunch of boats in the foreground.  But can you imagine docking your boat here?

Unfortunately, much of the afternoon was taken up with rain.  We retreated indoors and abused most horizontal surfaces by reposing on them and snoring.  In less civilized circles, this is referred to as napping.  It was glorious, but mostly because the rain pattering on the roof of The Rig drowned out the snoring.  And no, I shall not name names.

Later that evening we grilled some chicken and ate it with Susan's Mississippi Cornbread salad.  Someone ate a lot.  And again, I shall not name names. 

Till next time


  1. Love the pics and commentary Brad. You are killing it! Keep up the great pace.


  2. Thanks. We’ve had terrible cell service for a little more than a week now. If you’ve got another video out we may be able to watch it tonight. Hope your ride goes well.

  3. You should have heard from the Food Network by now... they want to do a whole series on Oreo cookies and the nutritional value

    1. I wasn’t gonna mention it, but they called last week. I considered it, but eventually concluded that to commercialize legitimate science is both tawdry and not in keeping with the public interest that we scientists serve. They’ve been blowing up my phone (whenever we have service) ever since.
