Friday, July 26th, 2019
Ride Report: 62 Miles, 2,332 Total Miles, 19.5 Avg. mph, 230 Ft. Climbing (really), 4,762 Calories.
Check out that calorie count. Having tired of making me ice cream treats (she's wearing a splint on her wrist for the last few days - too much milk shake stirring?), Susan is taking me to the local ice cream shop for a treat shortly. I'm thinking banana split? We shall see if it's pic worthy. But until I get around to reporting on the ice cream run, let's get on with the day...
Bright and sunny, just like Delta likes his mornings. And this really was the view all day today. Choose any random stretch of road and stop for a pic. Absent the odd cattle or grain truck meandering thru as the shot is taken, it all looks the same. For my part, I was just getting my eyes open when we left. I'd take up drinking coffee to jump start the day, but then I might be more awake and less grumpy. I prefer grumpy to coffee.
Speaking of cattle trucks, this is but one example (of many I passed today) of where they're heading. A feed lot. By this time the reader would think I'd know better, but this was a small one by comparison and I was lulled into a false sense of security - so I stopped to snap a pic. Unfortunately, I was inside the "smell zone". Just down the road there was another, larger operation. It ran on parallel to the road for more than a mile and from what I could tell, was about a mile deep. That's a lot of steaks on the hoof out there. Apologies if I have offended the reader's sensibilities. If so - think of them as hamburger - I guess... That should help.
This was beside the feed lot pictured above. Row upon row of...compost. Hey, this is what made America great; take...lemons... and turn it into...lemonade - so to speak.
When we made it to Scott City I was inside The Rig taking a brief break and cooling down when we heard a horn honk. When Susan went outside to determine who might have the gall to impede upon my sloth, she found these two yahoos: Ethan (in the middle) and Nick. Susan plied them with ice cream sandwiches to get their story out of 'em. Ethan is riding and met Nick on the road. For his part, Nick is a photographer on a mission. They just sorta hooked up. Ethan's ride started on the east coast following the T/A and will divert to head for Boulder, where his ride will end. He took a "short" day today since he got in 130 miles yesterday. He worked his way from Hutchinson, KS north to highway 96. I'm sure the strong south wind yesterday didn't hurt any.
At the same stop in Scott City I took this pic. This, readers, is what every rider longs for - a flag pointing the same general direction one is riding. Finally, a moderate, not quite but almost quartering, tail wind. Hey, it's not much, but I'll take it. I think that by the time we made it to Dighton, KS, the wind speed was maybe 12 mph.
And lest I forget, I saw this on the way out of Scott City. "Go Beavers"? I had to think a bit, but eventually recalled that the Scott City High School mascot is a beaver. I first learned this years ago when riding a BAK that started in Tribune. Somewhere in the annals of my BAK photos is a shot of me kissing a statue of the Scott City beaver mascot taken in the food court of the High School here. Susan was both present at the time and mortified. Now here's the deal, most of the creeks and rivers over which I've had the pleasure to ride since entering the state have been dry. How on earth? But once a beaver, always a beaver - apparently...
Harvest being pretty much over here, there was a lot of this alongside the road today. For the uninitiated, this is a wheat field that has been harvested. And yes, the pic was taken while riding - at about 20 mph. The reader should not try this at home. But just in case, here's the sequence: Take phone out of jersey pocket on back with left hand, secure phone in teeth, place left hand on handlebar, take phone out of teeth with right hand, orient phone appropriately and reverse camera for selfie, take pic. Reverse steps to place phone back in jersey pocket. Now ya know.
Another example. The wheat fields out here are both numerous and large.
This is an abandoned school in the little "town" of Amy that I passed thru today. Another chapter in the continuing saga of population decline here in western Kansas. Town being a bit of a misnomer since pretty much all that remains are a few houses and a rather large elevator, which is...
...seen in this pic. On the bright side, I've found something to replace the mountains as a backdrop for my pics. Hey! They're tall, they're white at the top - almost like a mountain. And in case the reader has not yet formed this opinion, allow me to confirm that I am the selfie master. C'mon - 20 mph, on a bike, quartering wind, and I pull off this shot? You try it. But first, contact me and sign my denial of responsibility for injury form.
So anyway, we made it to Dighton, KS by about 1330 local time (we lost an hour to the time change - we were really here by 1230) and I sat around till I cooled down, then as previously mentioned, Susan drug me over to the local DQ.
Here in Dighton it's called "Frigid Creme" as the reader can tell by the sign. There will be no pic of the banana split. Sadly it was, in the main, unremarkable - bearing only one scoop of ice cream. It still went down well, but I was kinda hoping for more.

While we waited for our order, I decided to do something about my "biker tan". For those who haven't noticed, it's a lot like a farmer's tan, except it also covers me from mid thigh to ankle. Seriously, face, arms, legs - that's it. Anyway, I wore sandals to the Frigid Creme and figured that if I played the shadow just right, I could tan my foot and make it come out to match the rest of my leg. My attempt did not meet with success. Turns out I didn't have six or seven weeks to stand around like this and let it catch up with the rest of me. Sigh - another brilliant idea gone by the wayside.

After we had consumed our treats, it was stiflingly hot, so Susan called for an Uber. Apparently there are a shortage of people calling for rides in these parts, so these two guys raced over hoping to catch our fare. But when Susan heard that we were gonna ride in the back, she started walking to The Rig. Apparently being less fussy than Susan, I was fine with riding in the back. I gotta shower at the end of the day anyway - right? But, her rash decision notwithstanding, I opted to walk with my bride.

While we waited for our order, I decided to do something about my "biker tan". For those who haven't noticed, it's a lot like a farmer's tan, except it also covers me from mid thigh to ankle. Seriously, face, arms, legs - that's it. Anyway, I wore sandals to the Frigid Creme and figured that if I played the shadow just right, I could tan my foot and make it come out to match the rest of my leg. My attempt did not meet with success. Turns out I didn't have six or seven weeks to stand around like this and let it catch up with the rest of me. Sigh - another brilliant idea gone by the wayside.

After we had consumed our treats, it was stiflingly hot, so Susan called for an Uber. Apparently there are a shortage of people calling for rides in these parts, so these two guys raced over hoping to catch our fare. But when Susan heard that we were gonna ride in the back, she started walking to The Rig. Apparently being less fussy than Susan, I was fine with riding in the back. I gotta shower at the end of the day anyway - right? But, her rash decision notwithstanding, I opted to walk with my bride.
When we made it back to The Rig, I noticed that the local HS mascot is a Hornet. See the sign on the wall in front of The Rig. This is imminently preferable to the beaver. It looks angry, its sting is painful, people are scared of hornets - great mascot. I just can't imagine an angry beaver. But maybe it's just me.
That's about it for the day. I know it's still early, but other than returning to the Frigid Creme for a foot long chili/cheese dog (with fries), I don't think there's a lot left to report on today. This should make my children happy on two fronts. First, they don't have to read my witty banter any longer than is absolutely necessary. Second, I'm pretty sure that foot long hot dogs with chili are a health food.
Till next time.
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