Ride report: 60.0 miles (TODAY’S BREAKING NEWS: I didn’t get lost - not even once), 542.0 total miles, 14.2 mph avg, 4,719 calories, 3,241 ft. climbing.
Today’s ride started at the Buchanan Dam NW of Austin and ended in Leander, a NW Austin Suburb. Tho it was the typical 60 miles I considered abandoning for the day at Susan’s rest stop/lunch in Bertram. PB&J and cookie dough, if you must know. It was Susan's idea. She says I wasn't in the mood for much else. The wind, predicted to be 8-12 mph out of the SSE ended up at about 15 steady with gusts to 21 - if “Accu”weather is to be believed. I think it was all of that. To the uninitiated, this means that the entire 60 miles was pretty much into a headwind. And the first 36 miles to Bertram was the hilliest.
With the complaining done, I gotta say that the scenery was great. Apparently Llano County is known for granite outcropping - they were in evidence along today’s route as the pics below will confirm. Granite outcroppings are like all other hills - they look better from a distance and when going down them. (OK- one last complaint.) Thankfully, after Bertram the route profile was generally downhill. Don’t misunderstand, there were still hills. But overall the elevation was decreasing rather than increasing. I felt better when I got to Leander than I did at Bertram.
As a final side bar before getting to the pics...
The reader may recall one of my earlier posts in which I showed a flood gauge at a low water crossing. Apparently there are different types. Along today’s route I encountered a low spot in the road with one of those 8 foot fences on one side of the road. Located about 5 feet above ground level was a young raccoon. Sorry, a dead young raccoon - stuck in the fence. I was left to conclude that high water had deposited the carcass. An effective means of tracking water depth - unless you happen to be the afflicted raccoon.
So - pics...
The Colorado River at Buchanan Dam. Impressive.

One of many granite outcroppings. This one appears to have suffered a recent fire and had a bunch of wildflowers to boot. In Inks Lake State Park.

Also in Inks Lake State Park. All very nice. Until the three mile climb getting outta here.
Somewhere along the route this afternoon. Its an advertisement for an RV resort South of Bertram - a town of maybe 1,300 people. While their advertising is eye catching, even more surprising was the PRIVATE AIRFIELD for the RV resort. Needless to say, it was populated with high dollar, new, class As. The kind that run 300-500k. Wowza! Private airfield (shakes head)...

And to close out the day we unlimbered the scooter for a 19 mile jaunt from our campground to a restaurant called "The Oasis At The Lake". Google it. The place is amazing. Tiered open air seating combined with enclosed seating for up to 3,000. Unfortunately (as you can see) we didn't get to see a sunset.
Also at The Oasis. I can't explain it, I just take the pictures...
Don't bother me. I'm thinking...
A view of the dining area below ours. Gives some perspective on the view.
The shoreline from our dining area,
Why am I not surprised? Damn Yankees? OK - I'll buy that.
Some of the houses along the shoreline beside The Oasis.
Its inexplicable, but Susan keeps taking these pics for me...
Till next time.
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